Impact to young people

The Gold Award is an 18-month programme pushing limits and developing key skills and attributes for young people.  It helps to boost their career prospects at Amey - the award aligns with their personal development and growth, where they'll set their own challenges to help improve their self-development.    

This is an exciting and life-changing opportunity which takes you out of your comfort zone and on a real adventure.  It's all about going the extra mile – gaining new skills, pushing yourself physically, helping others and exploring new places. At the same time, new friendships are made and experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.

The award gives young people:

  • A sense of achievement
  • Self-development and skills
  • A well-recognised award
  • Increase in fitness levels
  • Giving something back to the community
  • Make new friends and contacts within Amey

Skills Development:

During the 18-month programme, there is a strong focus on the development of essential skills, the skills we all need to thrive in education, work and life:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity 
  • Staying Positive
  • Aiming High
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork

Measuring impact whilst on the award:

In 2021, we introduced our very first DofE Dashboard, as a way of measuring the impact of our young people who achieve a Gold Award.  The dashboard can measure skills development, feedback and career progression within Amey.  

Since 2010, we have encouraged all eligible young people to develop critical life and work skills, through participation in the DofE Gold Award.

Over 600 of our young talent have taken part in the Award, giving them a real sense of success and empowering them to navigate the challenges of life and work, build resilience and develop essential skills.

**More statistics to follow